Friday, April 29, 2011

Too Much Broadcasting

Too Much Broadcasting and not enough news!
That statement may be too simplistic and misleading.
Let me clarify:
1. Too much attention is paid by the media to bad news. And where it isn't bad enough to suit them, they exaggerate, and they beat the listener over the head with their hot stories until numbness sets in, along with hopelessness, despair and complacency.
2. Not enough good news. It's out there. You know it, and I know it. I want to hear it on the news. However, the media wants no more than an occasional 'human interest piece' to punctuate their ongoing series of tragedies.
3. There is very little real news broadcast. Why is that? They prefer stories they can spin to suit their advertisers or the power brokers who own them.
Where I work, a network I do not like is broadcast 24/7 with no ability to change the station. It is loud. It is intrusive. It makes it difficult to help clients, and it is demoralizing. Bottom line: it is Orwellian.
Corporations make decisions based only upon money. Where is the heart?
If a corporation is granted the status of a legal entity under the law, then it has an obligation to have heart, like a real entity.
What can we do about that? At home I use the off switch. Yet more than that is needed.
Control your own thoughts and don't let them think for you!
Be Well

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Earth Changes: What are We Waiting For?

Myself included! We are all spending too much time and attention to mindless distractions such as FaceBook games (for me it's Backyard Monsters and Farmville) when at this crucial point in history, we need to eliminate distractions and work individually and collectively on solution-oriented activities.
Look just briefly at what has been going on in the past few months:
winter weather in places that usually do not experience much winter, from Great Britain to southern USA, Central and Southern Europe, and we joke about global warming. Well, yeah, that is an invention so far as our human technology goes. We will get back to that. Do not get me started there just yet.
Look at the coastal flooding and major problems in Australia and New Zealand. Look at the quakes and resultant catastrophes in Japan this week.
We are constantly bombarded by the accelerating catastrophic events that are rolling in faster and faster. Yeah, Mom Nature seems pissed. It is all part of a natural cycle of global and solar activity, but it is happening now. To us. We are here now to witness it. We do not know what events took out Lemuria and Atlantis long ago, but the things noted above are simply a few examples of the happenings we witness and live or die through now in our era.
Do we expect that on some special date in 2012 all the Earth Changes will happen at once? Well, I think a lot of people do think that. And a lot of people put a great deal of stock in the Mayan Calendar, which, I think only ends at a certain time because they disappeared before they got around to finishing it. They were a violent, bloody, cannabalisitic tribe which I have no interest in following. They did interesting things, true, but they are not here to explain themselves anymore than the Lemurians are.
Jump my case about that if you want to. I don't care. Yes, I use Lemurian Seed Crystals in my crystal work and various crystals from Atlantis as well, but I do not wish to pattern myself after an extinct people who did not survive whatever changes they encountered.
Anyway, too many distractions whether self-inflicted or from outside influences are keeping those of us with the power to heal ourselves, others and the World in our own little technological closets thumbing away on personal devices that may have been constructed simply to do just that: keep us distracted while civilization crumbles.
It's tough when our comfort zone incudes major reliance on being distracted. Waking up hurts. But we must awaken and face our work. It is a task to take one day and one step at a time.
We can heal the world.
Blessed Be
Victoria Lea

Thursday, February 3, 2011


If you look at the weather map from the National Weather Service for today, it shows typical winter time temperatures for the various regions and locales of the USA. Nothing sub-zero, just from temperate to cold: 66 in South Florida and 1 degree above zero in someplace in Oklahoma. IT"S FEBRUARY! It's expected. Yes it's cold, it's survivable and with some use of good judgement, you can stay safe and warm.
Donate some canned goods to a shelter, take in a stray dog or cat or make a little shelter for them outside, providing food and water. Be kind.
It's just another winter. It is not disproof of global warming. It is not proof of global warming.
The only (to us) odd thing about this winter's weather is the patterns of snow and cold. The reason these things seem odd to us is that our planet has a long life and we generally live less than a hundred years, so we cannot readily see the natural cycles beyond what happens on a yearly basis.
Too much hyperbole in the media. Everyone is looking for extremes and wants to be the first to announce them in big bold type with catchy phrases that are often tempting, tantalizing, suggestive, or simply misleading. Seldom are they profound.
Our culture has sunk into a miasma of individual and societal turbulence in part because of some twisted desire to always stand out and get that twenty seconds of fame.
Sadly, this is because most people have lost a secure sense of their own identity. tattoos, weird clothes, horrid behaviour, intentional disfigurement and wanton sexual proclivities are all screamiong the need for finding a personal identity different from everyone else, and in that, everyone is the same.
The Cairo riots, regardless of whether or not they are a staged astroturfing endeavor to garner support for some radical islamic takeover, show just how much in a group of people everyone can be the same without individuation. This is tribal identity run amok. This is swarm behaviour. This is humans sinking into a sub-human pit of iniquity. Mob rule is not the democracy they so inappropriately speak of. Their stated purpose is not the underlyiong factor. The factions operating in that part of the world are disturbingly radical and based on nothing more than fanatacism, fear and lack of personal identity. to identify only with a group, to lose oneself in a group is a thoroughly wasted life, and a waste of oxygen.
Moderation can be fun. I know that's not quite what the song says, and yet both are significant and appropiate modes of behaviour.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


The lies have come from banks, from real estate developers, from realtors, from the government, from lobbyists, from government backed lenders, from the media and from each other.
We listened to too many lies and we bought the ones that sounded the most delightful, and paid for them with credit.
We: we as individuals, we as voters, we as ‘we the people,’ and we as one country amongst a world of countries many of whom have participated in this same contagion of greed, entitlement, credit and debt.
I am no political or financial authority, but having received nothing but lies and mistakes from those who are political and financial authorities, I must don my own hat of responsibility and decide what is real and what is not.
These are my views.
The stage was set by a strengthening of federalism. People being what they are, we seemed to have needed federalism to protect against feudalism. Our sovereign States have, bit by bit, given up pieces of their sovereignty over the years and ‘States Rights’ is a term no longer heard.
Instead of localized feudal states, what we have become is a generalized federal feudalism that has set our Constitution on the shelf as a mere artifact and has taken the three sanctioned branches of government and subversively created three additional branches, constructed of greed, by greed, and for greed: of the few, by the few, and for the few. Branch number four is the Media, number five, Big Business Corporations.
In collusion with Big Business, is number six: the Central Bank, ie: The Federal Reserve Bank which has the ultimate power to ring the life blood from your working day, your inheritance, even your sanity, if you let it.
The true role of the United States Government is simple: To provide for the common defense, to construct and maintain ports of entry while securing our borders, to provide for essential services such as roads, bridges, schools (and other elements of our infrastructure), maintain our standing armed forces, conduct beneficent diplomatic relations with other nations of the world in a fiduciary manner for the benefit of our citizenry and the moral obligations of brotherhood, and to ensure domestic tranquility.
It was not designed to become a regulatory body, nor a self-serving entitlement program for elected elitists.
That we were founded as ‘One Nation Under God, With Liberty and Justice For All’, includes in it the given obligation to provide for these services with the guidance of the Ten Commandments, The Golden Rule, and The Beatitudes as the over riding inspiration: the heartbeat.
It may be in our best interest for the government to provide oversight for other essential services such as water quality and safe delivery of fuel and electricity, but it is counterproductive to prohibit safe development of alternative sources for any of the above.
Due to the greed of the giant corporations, a beneficent government would prohibit out-sourcing of American jobs, but were it not for the desire to avoid fees, constrictions of bureaucratic expense for employers and other disincentives, employers would not wish to incur the expense of outsourcing.
Giving corporations the status of a citizen entity with the rights of protection from the results of misconduct, not to mention tax breaks, has been contributory to our economic downfall in a very large measure, both for the country as a whole and to the financial woes of Us, the People.
I’m not clear on the historical names and dates, on who did what and which conspiracy theory is the real one, however, it is apparent to me that it is simply another phase of a very long-going condition begun with the rise of royalty and feudalism in the very earliest phases of human civilization.
Okay, now you think I’m sounding like a real wack job, if you didn’t think so before. In the words of what’s his name in a movie from the 90’s, “just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.”
I invite you to give this some serious thought. If you do much reading, if you took some history courses that were more than ‘Columbus in 1492’ then I double-dog-dare you to truly think about how things have changed and how in very real and fundamental ways they have remained the same.
At this point I have written 725 words on this topic. I have more to say. I am told I should always write blog posts of less than 500 words.
I would hope that my readers have the mental capacity and attention span to read more than 500 words. I often read as many as five books a week.
The sister blogs: Just Enough, and 100 Things We Can Do to Fix Our Mess are being updated as we speak with related information.
I have invited you to think. Now I will challenge you to participate by commenting and engaging in discourse on this as well as my other blog sites.
Blessed Be and Be Well
Love, Victoria

Coming Developments

As we develop this blog site, it should become easier to respond and comment. There is a lot to doing this and even more, for someone who is not technically oriented.
Soon, we hope to be adding a few appropriate and interesting ads that will hopefully interest this readership and thus support the continuation of this blog.
Clicking on an ad does not commit anyone to anything, it simply provides one with more in-depth information and opportunity to shop, to dream, to research and to wander about in virtual space.
It is our hope that the ads will be related to nature, natural living, natural health and wellness, animal welfare, small business, publishing, music, education, magick, movies, books, and other assorted gentle pursuits.
I am learning as I go along here, and have found that whatever ads eventually appear here, I will not be allowed to click on myself due to some perceived conflict of interest, so I will not necessarily be able to judge the appropriateness of any particular ad. I will rely on you, my readers, to keep me informed.
Be well.