The overall goal of these blog articles and hopefully any discussion they inspire is to search out and implement solutions to the difficulties being experienced individually, nationally, and worldwide.
Altruism is a much neglected trait these days, and that is not what I am proposing. Altruism seems to have become a self-serving path to self and public aggrandizement. It is ego-based. So often overt selflessness is the ego's attempt at grabbing attention and patting itself on the back for good works.

I want to 'dislocate that shoulder', metaphorically speaking, and get down to the fundamental nature of human existence. The why and the how of it.
Rather than altruism, simple heartfelt goodness, courtesy, and spontaneous acts of goodwill are more accessible for those of us in the ordinary world.

Life on Earth is complex. I hope that we can find just one or two threads and begin to unravel the complexity of it all.
Please join me in this quest and engage in a healthy discourse on these topics.
Blessed Be,

Coming Developments

As we develop this blog site, it should become easier to respond and comment. There is a lot to doing this and even more, for someone who is not technically oriented.
Soon, we hope to be adding a few appropriate and interesting ads that will hopefully interest this readership and thus support the continuation of this blog.
Clicking on an ad does not commit anyone to anything, it simply provides one with more in-depth information and opportunity to shop, to dream, to research and to wander about in virtual space.
It is our hope that the ads will be related to nature, natural living, natural health and wellness, animal welfare, small business, publishing, music, education, magick, movies, books, and other assorted gentle pursuits.
I am learning as I go along here, and have found that whatever ads eventually appear here, I will not be allowed to click on myself due to some perceived conflict of interest, so I will not necessarily be able to judge the appropriateness of any particular ad. I will rely on you, my readers, to keep me informed.
Be well.