TIME: Too Much, Too Little, Or Just Right?
TIME: Perhaps a Disregard for Time and Perhaps Too Much Meddling
What time is it? Do you have the time? I think I’m late, give me a time check. Where is he/she/it? They were supposed to be here a while ago.
I cannot talk now, I have to be at work. Sorry but I have an appointment then.
Our time begins when we are born and ends when we die. There is just so much in between those two somewhat significant events. It is how we measure our life.
Looking at this with a completely human and mortal eye, would indicate that time is something to value. Something OF value.
“I’m waiting for my plane. I hope it’s on time” “ I’m just killing time,” “ I’m spending time here, just hanging out killin’ some time.”Are the things I hear from browsers in the bookstore each day. I counter with “Please. You are welcome to fill your time here as much as you like. We do not allow dead time to clutter our floors. There will be no killing here. This is a bookstore and a perfect place to fill your time, your mind, your heart…” Or some such variation thereof.
And yet, time is only how we measure our mortal existence here on our beloved Planet Earth. It is from Earth that we draw our initial concepts of time. Diurnal rotation of Earth gives us our day and our night.
Our travel around the Sun gives us our year while the Moon’s busy course gives us our months and weeks.
The arrogance of human governments attempt to distort even this for some corporate benefit that no one really understands when they force us to alter our clocks twice a year to Spring Forward and to Fall Back.
We humans think in terms of when then, duration and now. Seldom do we fill now with now-ness, because we are so busy anticipating or worrying about the future or reliving something in the past.
Being in the present moment is a natural task for each of us to assume. It is a step closer to Great Spirit, who lives only in the now, and allegorically speaking, shakes His head at our concerns over past and future.
Conversing with a friend and while listening, thinking ahead of what you want to say next is both disrespectful of your friend and counter-productive for you, because you are missing what the friend is sharing with you. Learn to listen deeply.
The distractions of modern society, and specifically of our pervasive cultures intermingling creates a clamor that assaults our ability to be fully present in the moment and to truly focus on what is or should be before us.
That makes it hard to meditate, hard to pray, hard to even think clearly. It makes performing the true magick of our lives most difficult. And it makes it difficult to learn the magick we have lost through generations of misinformation, fear and bigotry.
Try this: (I’m looking for someone to try it with myself) Make an appointment with a friend to meet to do something special by the moon phase and the sun’s placement in the sky. For instance, ‘Come to my house when the moon is dark and come around sundown and we shall bake brownies and sip hot cocoa. Or bring your drum and meet me at the park before sunset on the full moon and we shall drum and dance and meditate and bring friends. Or how about this:___ fill in the blank ’ Get back in touch with the natural rhythms of nature.
While writing today’s article in Word, I experienced a glitch when I went to save my work so I could have breakfast. Word would not save and the computer froze. I did not want to reboot and lose this little article, so I called Russ (my former H and ongoing technical guru) and we tried a lot of things looking for a solution. This process lasted about two hours, and still I had to power down and reboot. Word, thankfully, had done an autosave function. So the entire article was not lost, only the last third of it. My weak memory was not able to recover it either, so this is what you get, plus the addition of this anecdote. It seemed a bit oxymoronic when we went into the Word set up menu at the end of things and adjusted the autosave from ten minutes to five. The horse had been stolen in this case, but the situation shall not be as disturbing should it recur. So time was an issue in the writing of this piece about time. Lost time is not something I covered above. It is though, a common concern.
Time, being a human illusion replacing the reality of now, seems like something we can lose or waste or spend or kill. Each of these functions though, is simply ways we have of disrespecting, ignoring or fearing the present moment.
Each day is the day that Creator, in infinite wisdom has made and given to us. Each moment of each day is a gift.
So, as you set your clocks back, remember this: you cannot gain nor lose time. You are simply playing a game with it and rendering unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s. Sadly, this means that children come home from school in the dark during winter, as do all the rest of us. A better solution to the Spring and Fall switch would have been to adjust the opening and closing times of businesses to suit the desires of the business plans and managers. Or do it the way that makes more sense and have daylight savings in the Winter when an additional hour of daylight would be a welcome sight, and use the normal time zone time for Summer when the days are already longer.
Best of all, leave it alone and let Nature take its course.
Remember to switch your clocks on Sunday.
Blessings to all and Be Well
Today, I refer you to the books by Eckhardt Tolle. The Power of Now is a good one to begin with.

And that’s really all it is and that was where I was heading before I got off on the saucepan binge on the Time Blog Entry I posted last night.
Like money, time is a human invention used to judge and measure and to break into bits (think bites, bits, pixels) our daily experience.
Unlimited spiritual reality declares the Eternal Now, wherein our Higher Selves already reside with the Angels.
When we feel as though we do not have enough time, falling back to punt (metaphorically speaking) is an appropriate response.
When faced with such a situation, I have had great success using a rubber band. “What?” you exclaim. Understandably so. “Has this woman gone ‘round the bend?” Well, yes, several times. My alchemical work has shown me clearly what we need to keep in mind: That as a concept, an invention, time is malleable. It can be stretched or shrunken to suit the need or dilemma. But to do so, requires attention and focus. The rubber band, or even a hair scrunchie stretched over your fingers and repeatedly flexed and relaxed to the rhythmic repetition of something like, ‘Stretch time, stretch time. Get a lot done in a small amount of time (or drive a lot of miles in a small amount of time).’ There is no speeding necessary. It works with correct focus. It has worked for me countless times.
On the other hand, to shrink time, the best way is to focus on something else. I like to lose myself in a good book or in writing and suddenly, the clock has turned. The object is to not pace and not fret, but to turn to another focus such as a beloved activity or to meditation. Go within. Get to know yourself better.
Somehow or other, this all coincides with Einstein’s relativity thing. But it is putting it into practical daily use for the real person. Give it a try!
Luv Ya!

Coming Developments

As we develop this blog site, it should become easier to respond and comment. There is a lot to doing this and even more, for someone who is not technically oriented.
Soon, we hope to be adding a few appropriate and interesting ads that will hopefully interest this readership and thus support the continuation of this blog.
Clicking on an ad does not commit anyone to anything, it simply provides one with more in-depth information and opportunity to shop, to dream, to research and to wander about in virtual space.
It is our hope that the ads will be related to nature, natural living, natural health and wellness, animal welfare, small business, publishing, music, education, magick, movies, books, and other assorted gentle pursuits.
I am learning as I go along here, and have found that whatever ads eventually appear here, I will not be allowed to click on myself due to some perceived conflict of interest, so I will not necessarily be able to judge the appropriateness of any particular ad. I will rely on you, my readers, to keep me informed.
Be well.