Sunday, September 12, 2010

How Did This Happen to Me? Blog # 6

It’s All Too Much

Quite suddenly, I find myself faced with impending foreclosure and on this day, 9/11/2010 Yes the 9th anniversary of the terrible attacks on our nation) I find myself attacked. I am a victim only of my own poor choices and bad decisions and of course, failing in my marriage.

I must move out of my house prior to October 13th, or the people who do these things will come here and place me, my dogs and all of our belongings out in the ditch (we have no curbs in this neighborhood) and we will be deciding if Tent City is our only option or not.

Following ill-advised ‘legal advice,’ I find, although I tout the principles of simplicity, ethics, and good stewardship, I am now reaping the spoils of poor stewardship that I could or would not see myself committing for the past twenty years.

There are so many ‘if onlies’ that come to mind. They are nothing but stumbling blocks at this point, unless I make sure to learn from them. If given an opportunity in the future, I will certainly comport myself differently.

If I had even half the money I have spent on books during the past twenty-five years (many of which have not even been read) I would not be in this situation. Creditors will not take books or other goods, they are not barterers, but operate only on a cash basis.

If you have been reading my blogs, you will see that I have shared with you some pearls of wisdom along the way. This is one of the most important practical things I can share with you today:
Get out and stay out of debt. Never purchase anything you cannot afford to purchase for cash. Credit is a temptation from the dark side. Become a cash- only person. Spend cash when you must, or use a debit card if you have to, drawing only on what is actually in your bank account. Save for contingencies and unexpected pop-ups. Invest only in things that have real value that will always appreciate (if there is such a thing) and be smart, aware, and wise to the ‘moneychangers’. Know this: in spite of the old laws on the books to prohibit it, usury is alive and well in the world today, turning well-meaning ordinary folks into serfs and slaves.

Here is an important article I want to share with all of you:
Click here: Secrets of the debt-collection biz uncovered by a reporter

So, just so you are aware, sometime in the next several weeks, I may not be able to post regularly. If I am living on the street, it might be a problem using electricity and the internet.
I looked at an apartment last night. It had no room for my bed. 400 square feet for $630.00. It is the first place I’ve seen. It was wonderful location and landlady-wise, but Add storage fees and I might as well live in storage… Didn’t Kramer do that at one point? Someone did. I think it’s illegal.
I apologize for this posting. It is not solution-oriented as I strive for. That is because no solutions have occurred to me. I just want to be forthright with my readers and perhaps, if you could offer some feedback it would help me to find the solution to all of this. I cannot say that prayer has not worked. On the contrary. My heartfelt distaste for where I live and why I live here is coming home to roost. I did not realize how fond I am of this solid brick ‘money pit’ until faced with the utter loss of it. It is a perfect example of the song:
Our thoughts are prayers
And we are always praying
Our thoughts are prayers
Listen to what you saying
Seek a higher consciousness
A state of peacefulness
And know that God is always there
For every thought becomes a prayer.

It is true, what is said: “All prayers are answered”
It is also true: “Be careful what you pray for”

Love to all

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Too Much? Simplify

Simple Simplify Simplicity
It's All Too Much #5

‘Tis a gift to be simple ‘tis a gift to be free
‘Tis a gift to come down where we ought to be
And when we find ourselves in a place just right
We’ll be in a valley of love and delight
When true simplicity is gained
To bow and to bend
We shan’t be ashamed
To turn, turn will be a delight
For by turning and turning we’ll come ‘round right. (copy and paste for link)

That little song, a standard of the Shakers, has a profound message. Of course there are those naysayers who will say it is too radical, to subservient, or too something else. Well, if we could just simplify our outlook and find the succulent tidbit of truth within for each of us, then perhaps criticism could be curtailed.

You may know, there is a monthly magazine devoted to simplifying your life. This somewhat oxymoronic publication is thicker than Cosmo and filled to overflowing with advertisements for all the things you have to purchase in order to make your life simple. The articles themselves are mainly more recommendations for things that assure you will simplify your life, thus leaving you more time for you.

I have yet to achieve my desired state of simplicity, but I know it will entail removing things from my life, not acquiring more things to hold and organize the things that already have me overstuffed.

I am not planning to join a convent or move to Lancaster County. I simply want to lighten my load and free myself of the burdens of past choices that have weighed me down.

Seems to me that Madison Avenue, much like the Pharisees, Sadducees and the Catholic hierarchy have striven to alter the fundamental meanings of certain words, to bend them to their own use.


These, to me, are the most glaring examples.
But then, to further point a finger, the word ‘acedia’ has been almost totally excised from dictionaries, from common usage, and even from acknowledgement by the clergy who exist to help us with our spiritual and emotional needs.

Meekness, as we discussed in a prior blog post, is, according to Jesus best defined as ‘moderation.’
Stewardship is caretaking and watching over, as a shepherd with a flock, or a mother with a toddler.
Simple means to be uncomplicated, easy, without worry over excessive concerns.

These words are virtues to be attained in order to achieve inner peace. Inner peace leads ultimately to outer peace.
It begins right here. Inside of you. Inside of me. As I am the center of my own universe, you are the center of your universe. Our individual universes (auric fields) interact, and impose influence on each other and with all of those who inhabit this planet.

The principle of the monkeys applies here. You know the story, It was observed by a biologist in the field, that one day, a monkey went down to the lake and washed his fruit before he ate it. Next day he did it again. The following day, another monkey joined him in fruit-washing. And on it went. One day there were half a dozen monkeys washing their fruit, the next day, all the monkeys on the island had joined them. At the same time, tribes of monkeys on other isolated islands began to also wash their fruit.

We are looking to achieve a shift in consciousness on a planet-wide basis. To do this we begin where we are. With diligence, sharing, and sincerity, we will achieve the critical mass to alter the direction humanity is headed. Like the monkeys, we will influence our greater society for the good.

Looking for grandiose, complicated, dazzling political solutions does not work. How many times have we seen huge efforts fail to do anything but palliate, placate and ultimately alienate?

May Peace and Joy and Simplicity and Meekness reign within you.

Blessed Be
Victoria Lea

Coming Developments

As we develop this blog site, it should become easier to respond and comment. There is a lot to doing this and even more, for someone who is not technically oriented.
Soon, we hope to be adding a few appropriate and interesting ads that will hopefully interest this readership and thus support the continuation of this blog.
Clicking on an ad does not commit anyone to anything, it simply provides one with more in-depth information and opportunity to shop, to dream, to research and to wander about in virtual space.
It is our hope that the ads will be related to nature, natural living, natural health and wellness, animal welfare, small business, publishing, music, education, magick, movies, books, and other assorted gentle pursuits.
I am learning as I go along here, and have found that whatever ads eventually appear here, I will not be allowed to click on myself due to some perceived conflict of interest, so I will not necessarily be able to judge the appropriateness of any particular ad. I will rely on you, my readers, to keep me informed.
Be well.