Monday, March 5, 2012


Thursday, July 21, 2011
With bazillions of egos wrestling for space, recognition, prominence and dominance in the world, one wonders if there is any hope at all for resolution to all our world of troubles.
A woman I know introduced me last year to a system called Infinite Love and Gratitude. It is a complex and multi-dimensional system for healing body, mind and spirit. It has to do with kinesiology and diagnosis, removing blocks and working with assorted alternative healing modalities.
Bottom line though, is Love and Gratitude.
Jesus loved enough to cover the whole worlds ills. Everywhere he looked and touched, healings occurred. He chose not to save his mortal self in order to show us the way of salvation.
In each instance when He fed the multitudes, He first gave thanks, and then divided the few loaves and fishes into baskets full for the many people and followers attending His teachings. His gratitude was the acknowledgment of God's infinite love and supply for all of creation, without limits.
His last words in the Garden were words of deepest commitment to God, of giving up His sense of self for the greater good.
His last words on the cross were words of welcoming His spirit home to God, from Whom He knew he had never been truly separated. He was the Wayshower.
Through his wonderful and often misunderstood words in the Sermon on the Mount, He gives us the guidance we all need for blessed living.
Misinterpretations of His words through many translations and through changes in the way some words are defined have caused some lack of acceptance toward some of those precious teachings.
See Matthew 5:1-48
In verse 3, the 'poor in spirit' actually referred to the ego. Those who have softened their ego, or have controlled or conquered its self-righteousness are truly blessed.
Verse 4 refers to those who mourn, saying they are blessed because they shall be comforted. When we encounter a dark night of the soul, we mourn for whatever loss, be it mental, physical, emotional or spiritual we have experienced or are experiencing. The blessing comes from the passage through the dark with the realization that we indeed are comforted by the eternal support and love of God for us as His created being.
Verse 5 is a big one. blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Jesus, in the Aramaic language He spoke, used a word that meant MODERATE, not weak, as we define meek today. Blessed are the moderate, for they shall inherit the earth. All of creation belongs to the MODERATE good steward who cares for and honors creation. He who does not give in to knee-jerk reactions and hyperbole, is he who survives to tell the tale.
Verse 6. Like Solomon, asking of God an understanding heart, the ability to be discerning and fair, Jesus tells us that seeking to be our best and most loving selves, in God's likeness, is self-fulfilling. And believe me, it is a daily quest, not a one-time seminar from which you come away with certification!
Verse 7 Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Karma. We draw into our experience what we most exhibit.
. We could talk about Job here, but that is another whole discussion.
Verse 8 tells us that the pure in heart shall see God. Pure in heart refers to those who are true to the principles of this teaching.
In verse 9, we are told that the peacemakers are blessed because they shall be called the children of God. What is a peacemaker. We wonder a lot about that very thing today. In brief, again, it is one who follows these teachings in His Sermon and in the Golden Rule. There may be another whole discourse on that coming up in a few weeks.
Verses 10 through 16 cover, essentially, one topic, and it feels not very encouraging. Who wants to be persecuted for righteousness sake or for any other purpose, Kingdom of Heaven not withstanding! Let's say a high school kid is ridiculed by classmates because he refuses to do a drug. Well, ultimately, he will be rewarded for his stance, and they will pay some karmic penalty. Taking a stand for principle is what America is supposed to be all about. It is our justification for the wars we get into. Sometimes it is a measly excuse to cover that which is based upon greed rather than principle. Our government seems to be ruled by Pharisees and Sadducees! But the majority of our military respond out of devotion and love for country and their oath to uphold their assigned mission. In our world, righteousness is not always easily discernable. Certainly it is contingent upon motive. Honor, valor, self-sacrifice, faithfulness, and holding one's ground for the highest good are the attributes of righteousness. The comfort of knowing one had done their best and done the right thing is a deep and abiding comfort and is accompanied by an assurance that God is honored by your best efforts and rewards with all that comfort which enfolds your heart and mind and purifies your emotions. That is the peace of knowing that all is in Divine and perfect order.
Perhaps we shall take up the rest of the verses another time.
Be blessed
Love, Victoria

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