Monday, March 5, 2012


Saturday, October 23, 2010
Enough to Transform
What Is Enough to Transform?

Demanding that you believe as I do is silly. It’s like demanding that you wear my skin. Sorry. It just does not work. One may as well try to demand that one snowflake be identical to every other. Unique is a beautiful quality of infinitude.
Proselytizing and brainwashing, threatening and warring with others over differences of belief in God and culture are the very things that have held mankind and our planet back from whatever nirvana awaits.
When people learn to listen to others without obsession they will be that much closer to being able to really listen to the Creator, who is constantly pouring forth upon all of us messages of love, truth, health, abundance, soul and life itself.
Years of spiritual and metaphysical study, ordination, certification as this or that; an interesting accumulation of tools and books, potions, rituals and formulae, and it all boils down to this: Transformation comes from within. That was the meaning of the quest in Coelho’s masterpiece novel, The Alchemist. And that will always be the ultimate answer. It is in relationship both to Great Spirit and to other beings that we determine who and what we are. The things we learn give us fuel for growth but at the end of the day, it is time to look deeply within, to our Higher Selves to find our answers.
Crises of faith and loss of trust are big stumbling blocks for the seeker, and yet, they are the rudiments of a healing crisis that leads to breakthroughs into that higher plain of consciousness that is the desired place: the Summum Bonum.
We are here to find ourselves, our place in the cosmos and to re-discover our relationship to the Creator. There are many paths to this goal. As many paths as there are seekers.
Some would argue that point. The fundamentalist Christian formula is one that absolves many of the trouble of free thought. So does the Hindu prayer wheel, the Mecca-focused prayers of the twice-daily Islamic faithful, and on and on. Each major religion has within it many subcategories of sects or denominations that claim, of course, to have the One True Answer. For those who truly are inclined that way, so be it. They have found a path that works for them. At least sort of.
Masaru Emoto speaks of the clearing, cleansing effects of love on water.1 Yeshua turned a fish or two and a loaf of bread into enough fish sandwiches to feed the multitudes in His audience.2* In His conversations with Glenda Green, she asked him how he did that. In essence and to paraphrase, He said ‘if you love enough, there are no limits.’3
So transforming our thoughts is the key to transforming our lives which is the key to transforming our society which is the key to healing our world.
Whatever the situation, find a way to apply love to it and then keep loving. And while you are loving, express your true thanks. Your gratitude is sort of like the flip side of the coin to love. Every coin has two sides. If it didn’t it would not be a coin and would not even exist. Together, the front and the back make up an item of worth, of value that has an impact.
Love is both a noun and a verb, we need to recognize this and surround ourselves with its awareness. Be it, feel it and do it.
Gratitude is a welling up in the heart of recognition of, appreciation for and acknowledgement of blessings and opportunities that arrive at our doorstep or fall into our laps, or that come through any multitude of channels. A sunset, a letter, a shiny stone or crystal, a new friend, a call from an old one, a coin on the pavement, an expected healing, and actualized healing, a package, or anything that may brighten your day. It is your sacred responsibility to receive, acknowledge and express thanks for these many gifts and miracles both mighty and miniscule.

Watch for this: upcoming in these blogs, there will soon be a link for an alternative medicine site all about Love and Gratitude.

1.The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto ISBN 97815827011417
2.The Bible, Matthew 14: 14-21
3. Love Without End: Jesus Speaks by Glenda Green p 44.
* I have taken a slight liberty with this and made his miracle into sandwiches to contemporize it. No harm, no foul. I believe He would be amused.

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Soon, we hope to be adding a few appropriate and interesting ads that will hopefully interest this readership and thus support the continuation of this blog.
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It is our hope that the ads will be related to nature, natural living, natural health and wellness, animal welfare, small business, publishing, music, education, magick, movies, books, and other assorted gentle pursuits.
I am learning as I go along here, and have found that whatever ads eventually appear here, I will not be allowed to click on myself due to some perceived conflict of interest, so I will not necessarily be able to judge the appropriateness of any particular ad. I will rely on you, my readers, to keep me informed.
Be well.