Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Because of my current and disturbing living situation, I went on Amazon to search for a simple, two-slice toaster. Appalled is the best description of my reaction as I scrolled through page after page of toaster options. Choice is a nice thing, but there is a point at which choice surpasses any definition of conspicuous consumption and in my humble view approaches near-criminal waste of resources, producing and offering items of such lame and limited value that I now just want to toast my bread with a fork and a Bic lighter. Allow me to digress briefly: I have a perfectly lovely toaster. I have no idea how to get to it. Along with my printer, my crock pot, some favorite undies and my iron, it is ‘lost’ in the secret and forbidden realm of my huge storage unit that holds all my favorite worldly goods except for the few items I have with me as I ‘camp out’ in my former home. I promise, once I again have adequate housing, I will continue to make use of any items I have been circumstantially forced to acquire and if they prove unnecessary, I will re-home them. Allow me to once again go on record that I am all for minimalizing my accoutrements and simplifying my life… at least to a point that still maximizes my physical comfort and ability to work and function effectively. Anyway, I know, from personal experience and years of observation, just exactly what TOO MUCH looks like. In this case, before I could stand it no longer, I scrolled through fifty-one pages of toaster offerings at twenty-four toasters per page. I counted 197 items that were simply ‘toaster related’ such as toast tongs, toaster covers, pans for toaster ovens, etc. Leaving a grand total of one-thousand-twenty-seven toasters and toaster ovens offered. Granted there were duplications. Yet, did you know that you can spend anywhere between $18.00 and $900.00 for a toaster. Not only are there two and four-slice toasters, but there are conveyer toasters, bagel toasters (some are floor models I mean they are the size of a stove and stand on the floor) and there are some that scorch the imprint of Hello Kitty, Jesus Christ, and your favorite football team logo onto your bread. I said to myself, “damn! They’ve got toasters for everything. Someday they will make a toaster that sings to you and pours your coffee too, heh heh” Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit, but they already do! There are toasters with built-in radios. There are toasters that cook your hot dogs, toasters that cook your eggs and toasters that actually combine a coffee maker into their make-up. All I want is a couple slices of ordinary dark toast without being yelled at for changing the toaster setting from 2 to 7 and a congenial living situation. So, having given up, I really cannot tell you what the bottom line is as far as toaster offerings goes, but I feel, somehow, deep inside where my values and discretion keep each other company, that 1097 types of toasters including designer toast and designer toasters is really a bit much. I’m afraid to do a search for hand mixers. I gave my big counter-top Kitchen Aid to my sister who bakes a lot and with a sore wrist, I think I need one of those old hand mixers. Wish me luck.

Monday, March 5, 2012


From Too Much to Enough: An On-Going Tale
Had another episode of the ongoing Yard Sale today.
All this stuff has become such a burden in the following ways:
Too much mass
Too much space filled and required
Too much weight
Too much quantity
Too much attention required
Too many diversions
Too many insecurities revealed

And now, the blessing is the release of those many things which no longer, or never have served my higher purpose, or any necessary purpose whatsoever.
Beautiful gifts, charming and poignant antique treasures, cute little schotchkes (sp), outgrown, never used, emblems of unfulfilled dreams, collections of fear-based stockpiles, hauled to Tennessee from Florida, never used and filling space , creating dams and blockages…
It is with discomfort and some angst I am letting go of these many things, for so much less than their fair market value. Some very nice people are getting some very, very good deals on some very nice things.
After years of putting on yard sales in South Florida, dealing with certain immigrants walking off with armloads of clothes for a buck, just to get rid of them, not to mention yard sale shop lifters (can you believe it!?!?!) I was really annoyed by someone today who tried to pull some of the same tricks. A box of craft items was listed at a dollar. What does she do? She crams double handfuls of additional items into the box, demanding it all for fifty cents, then stacking up nine pair of jeans, pants and a skirt priced ridiculously low at a buck a piece, and a beautiful new semi-formal dress priced at 7.50 in a big pile and demanded the whole thing for five dollars. I was adamant. She got snotty and I chased her off. I will not be taken advantage of any longer. Enough is enough.
Putting these things back into the flow has the advantage of unblocking blocked energy and assuring that all that which is needed will have the opportunity to arrive.
But I have the responsibility to respect these things and assure that they are placed into the flow in a respectful manner and not dumped carelessly and without fair recompense.
Allowing oneself to be cheated is far different from donating things to a charity which is also a valid way of placing things back in the flow.
In other words, I have recognized my responsibility for the things I have acquired to receive fair exchange, and thus avoid denigrating their intrinsic value.
This is a form of transformation. I am transforming myself from a messy borderline hoarder to a person with a handle on simplicity, and with only those things that are useful and bring me a sense of joyfulness.
This is quite a difficult dragon to slay: one with much tenacity. But I truly understand that once you have identified a demon, it is more easily slain.
More to sell in a week or so, because enough is enough and too much is too much.


Enough is all we need. The right amount of anything is a blessing. Whereas too much of something quickly becomes a burden, perhaps overtly, perhaps subtly, but a burden nonetheless.
At this time, we seem to lack wisdom and maintain a bit too much in the way of greed. I see this manifesting as overindulgence in entertainment, poor quality food and beverages, and a tendency to cling to government handouts like a baby at a tit. The debt crisis is a prime example. Nearly everyone has too much debt. We sure have a lot of stuff though, don't we?
Sometimes we wake up and realize this and shed our burdens in a manner that blesses ourselves and others. Sometimes, if we have refused to awaken, we are forced to give up things through some type of occurrence outside of our own control.
And then we cry, we blame, we get angry, we feel victimized, until, at some point, we notice that we feel lighter, freer, and more flexible.
Is America coming to that point? Are we, as a nation, being faced with the time to choose? Do we choose to give up that which no longer serves our immediate notions of comfort, greed and laziness so that we can reclaim our freedom that so many have fought and died for?
I certainly hope so. Let us pray for America. Veterans Day is coming in about two weeks. Let us show our gratitude to our Military Veterans and active duty personnel. But that is not all I refer to. Everyday is the time to be grateful and express gratitude. And remember our Source with love and gratitude. Summary: More love, more gratitude and willingness to let go for the sake of freedom.
Be Well


Thursday, July 21, 2011
With bazillions of egos wrestling for space, recognition, prominence and dominance in the world, one wonders if there is any hope at all for resolution to all our world of troubles.
A woman I know introduced me last year to a system called Infinite Love and Gratitude. It is a complex and multi-dimensional system for healing body, mind and spirit. It has to do with kinesiology and diagnosis, removing blocks and working with assorted alternative healing modalities.
Bottom line though, is Love and Gratitude.
Jesus loved enough to cover the whole worlds ills. Everywhere he looked and touched, healings occurred. He chose not to save his mortal self in order to show us the way of salvation.
In each instance when He fed the multitudes, He first gave thanks, and then divided the few loaves and fishes into baskets full for the many people and followers attending His teachings. His gratitude was the acknowledgment of God's infinite love and supply for all of creation, without limits.
His last words in the Garden were words of deepest commitment to God, of giving up His sense of self for the greater good.
His last words on the cross were words of welcoming His spirit home to God, from Whom He knew he had never been truly separated. He was the Wayshower.
Through his wonderful and often misunderstood words in the Sermon on the Mount, He gives us the guidance we all need for blessed living.
Misinterpretations of His words through many translations and through changes in the way some words are defined have caused some lack of acceptance toward some of those precious teachings.
See Matthew 5:1-48
In verse 3, the 'poor in spirit' actually referred to the ego. Those who have softened their ego, or have controlled or conquered its self-righteousness are truly blessed.
Verse 4 refers to those who mourn, saying they are blessed because they shall be comforted. When we encounter a dark night of the soul, we mourn for whatever loss, be it mental, physical, emotional or spiritual we have experienced or are experiencing. The blessing comes from the passage through the dark with the realization that we indeed are comforted by the eternal support and love of God for us as His created being.
Verse 5 is a big one. blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Jesus, in the Aramaic language He spoke, used a word that meant MODERATE, not weak, as we define meek today. Blessed are the moderate, for they shall inherit the earth. All of creation belongs to the MODERATE good steward who cares for and honors creation. He who does not give in to knee-jerk reactions and hyperbole, is he who survives to tell the tale.
Verse 6. Like Solomon, asking of God an understanding heart, the ability to be discerning and fair, Jesus tells us that seeking to be our best and most loving selves, in God's likeness, is self-fulfilling. And believe me, it is a daily quest, not a one-time seminar from which you come away with certification!
Verse 7 Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Karma. We draw into our experience what we most exhibit.
. We could talk about Job here, but that is another whole discussion.
Verse 8 tells us that the pure in heart shall see God. Pure in heart refers to those who are true to the principles of this teaching.
In verse 9, we are told that the peacemakers are blessed because they shall be called the children of God. What is a peacemaker. We wonder a lot about that very thing today. In brief, again, it is one who follows these teachings in His Sermon and in the Golden Rule. There may be another whole discourse on that coming up in a few weeks.
Verses 10 through 16 cover, essentially, one topic, and it feels not very encouraging. Who wants to be persecuted for righteousness sake or for any other purpose, Kingdom of Heaven not withstanding! Let's say a high school kid is ridiculed by classmates because he refuses to do a drug. Well, ultimately, he will be rewarded for his stance, and they will pay some karmic penalty. Taking a stand for principle is what America is supposed to be all about. It is our justification for the wars we get into. Sometimes it is a measly excuse to cover that which is based upon greed rather than principle. Our government seems to be ruled by Pharisees and Sadducees! But the majority of our military respond out of devotion and love for country and their oath to uphold their assigned mission. In our world, righteousness is not always easily discernable. Certainly it is contingent upon motive. Honor, valor, self-sacrifice, faithfulness, and holding one's ground for the highest good are the attributes of righteousness. The comfort of knowing one had done their best and done the right thing is a deep and abiding comfort and is accompanied by an assurance that God is honored by your best efforts and rewards with all that comfort which enfolds your heart and mind and purifies your emotions. That is the peace of knowing that all is in Divine and perfect order.
Perhaps we shall take up the rest of the verses another time.
Be blessed
Love, Victoria


Thursday, January 13, 2011
Here is a horror story for you:
Once upon a time… no strike that! Every day at work, some customer (passenger) shakes his head over the intrusions of TSA into his/her rights of person. Then the person next to them (sadly but predictably this is usually a woman) pops up and says something like, “Oh but it makes me feel so much safer!” or “Anything to make us safe.”
Well, personally I am horrified and disgusted by the frequent willingness to give away our rights to privacy of person and the willingness of so many to complacently accept illegal search and seizure.
Complicit in this fiasco is the continual insistence of business to require so many of their employees to fly daily and weekly when such wonderful technology as conference calling and Skype, to name only the two I am acquainted with exist and are available to all. Using these forms of communication would have the end result of lowering costs to the end user and lowering the income of the airlines and airports, thus encouraging them to fire TSA and provide privatized security relying on bomb and drug sniffing dogs and their military or retired military handlers. It is a proposition that would be a save-save and win-win deal all around.
These passengers who allow themselves to ‘feel safer’ by being groped by sulky low-lifes in blue uniform shirts with shiny TSA badges and by exposing themselves to excessive radiation and snickers of contempt or oogles of lust need to wake up!
Realize that:
1. Inherently, hurtling the human body through the air at 30,000 feet at hundreds of miles per hour in a large aluminum shell is not safe.
2. Walking down the street is not ‘safe.’
3. Getting out of bed is not safe. Neither is staying in bed.
4. Eating in a restaurant is not safe.
The best heritage any of us have ever received is our Bill of Rights. Do not give it away to the bureaucrats. Don’t give it back to the government. Do not sacrifice it for a warm and fuzzy false sense of security. Arm yourself with wisdom, with awareness. Learn to use your gut instincts and your other senses. That is what your Creator gave to you and what you are intended to use to help ensure your survival.
If you are willing to give away your rights, go somewhere else to do it. When you do it here, you jeopardize my rights and I will not stand for that. Enough!
The problem-solving intent of my blogs continues. I prefer not to moan about a problem. Complaining solves nothing. Too many complainers exist already. (Listen to talk radio sometime) Although this post is a complaint, it, as you can see, has come to you with a built in solution, and that is what we like to focus on: Solutions.
Coddled Americans are so complacent because we are so spoiled by all of our many advantages and so insulated by our politically correct and over-stimulated and over-entertained lives, that we do not know how to take responsibility for ourselves. We do not know how to be aware. We do not know how to live.
Join the boycott of the airlines and airports until this is resolved. Stop flying. Start driving when you want to travel. Take a cruise ship to another land. Take a train if you can find one. Skype. Conference call. And look at other electronic means of communication. Skype is one of the most accessible and most remarkable around and so easy to use. SKYPE!


Thursday, December 16, 2010
Here is another place in our civilization where Enough Is Enough:
The traditions of Christmas, many of which were inherited from the Pagan Winter Festivals, and many of which were spawned through the literature of Charles Dickens are, in my eyes, sufficient.
Coca Cola cans, Playboy Bunnies, department store logos, bows and wrapping paper, snowmen, a red-nosed reindeer, the Charlie Brown gang and the Grinch are among the many pointless icons that symbolize nothing more than excessive commercialism. Clement Moore did us a great disservice in turning Saint Nicholas and Father Christmas into Santa Clause. It is a cute story, but out of it, Madison Avenue created a whole litany of excuses to encourage more and more excessive spending each December.
The self-imposed stress of trying to live up to media images of the perfect Christmas result often times in illness and depression not to mention disappointment and the proliferation of greed in this and the next generation.
Bah Humbug is what this all sounds like, huh? Well, sorry.
Even though Jesus was actually born in either February or March, the Catholic Church chose December as the time we would all commemorate His advent. This was their attempt to obliterate Saturnalia and other mid-December festivals that long-pre-dated their influence. So be it.
What we actually now have is a month full of celebrations that includes Hanukah, Christmas, Mid-Winter Solstice/Longest Night, Yule and the new invention we know as Kwanzaa. I suspect there are others that I have not bothered to research.
I wonder if each day of life might be a celebration. celebrate the gifts each day offers from sunrise to sunset, from moon dark to moon full. Special times to honor and commemorate various sacred events might well be times of joyous celebration and of quiet contemplation, but I do not think that massive commercialism is a very sacred way to celebrate anything, except perhaps excessiveness, which many have made a way of life. It's enough, for me, to make note of the day, and if possible, enjoy a convivial meal or a special prayer or meditation to commemorate with gratitude the sacredness and special-ness of the given holiday.
I bid you glad tidings of great joy
Love, Victoria


Sunday, December 5, 2010
Where does it begin? Where does it end?
Enough already!
Decorations begin going up in commercial establishments along with the Halloween decor. Ads, commercials and billboards begin proclaiming the need to buy-buy-buy in order to have Christmas. Thanks to Clement Moore, we now seem to view Christmas as a time to celebrate commercialism more than anything else.
I hear on the radio that most families (average) spend $2,500.00 per year on gifts at Christmas time. Since (according to the media) most families currently do not have that much disposable extra cash, it must be money they don't have: Whip out the credit cards!
Well, I don't. That means someone else spends more to make up for what I am not spending.
To me it is a time to reflect on all that we are endowed with by our Creator and to express gratitude for the gifts that are rained upon us which we seldom recognize or appreciate.
It is enough that we sing actual Christmas Carols (Not Santa or Jack Frost songs)It is enough that we share a meal with friends and family.
I have always noticed a tendency for people (even within my family there was a time) to attempt to outdo themselves each year for the holiday and gift-giving celebrations.
If I can find a nice Episcopal church or something along those more traditional lines, I may attempt to visit the Christmas Eve service, just to embue myself with the feelings of the elegant ceremony and solemn joyfullness and the beautiful music. (Let's hope. This is Nashville, where everything is guitar and twang)
Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. Hmmm. I got the Frankincense and Myrrh covered with my essential oils. The gold I suppose a few of the gold-colored dollar coins suffice? Visa gift cards? Well, I'm not giving physical gifts this year. I am giving my loving blessings to all of those upon whom my thoughts rest and best wishes to all.
Love and Blessings


Friday, November 12, 2010
A Few Brief Thoughts Tonight On Change

Seems we have had about enough 'change' lately. We bought the package and now that we have opened it, we realize maybe we should have gone for a little something different. The 'change' seems to have been from bad to worse. So ENOUGH already!
What are we going to do about it? Well, most of us have decided to complain more and email more and have wound up with a generic form of 'hope'-lessness that borders on mass-acedia.
We, as the heirs to a vast and grand scheme called America, have begun to let the plan slip through our fingers.
There could be a great many responses to this dilemma. The many 'knee-jerk' responses, although they seem proactive, may not be well-thought-out.
I remain mostly baffled although I get occasional glimpses of new pathways for us to explore.
Although I do it too, I am tired of complaining. I have said I want action. My concern is what type of action would be best for us, for our nation and for the planet.
Enough negativity is being bantered back and forth and all of this does nothing but keep us all mired in this murky state of duality, separation and divisiveness. I know that some of us pray. I also know that some of us who pray, self-righteously tell our Creator what He/She should do about our situation. Stop that. Deity does have a sense of humor, but you are wasting your efforts. Who knows best? Me? You? I don't think any of us has the correct fix in mind at this time. I just know for certain that what is needed change-wise is a change of heart, an emptying of self-righteous willfulness and some open-minded and openhearted loving-kindness.
Our lack of awareness of the sacredness of our nation’s founding intentions and the documentations that provide that assurance, our disregard of our inherent responsibility to “hold these Truths to be self-evident,” and our abandonment of the sacred has opened the doorway for these protracted and ever-worsening conditions to develop.
Remembering that our national foundation, though imperfect because human, was indeed predicated on the firm and unshakable understanding that we are here because we were put here for the very reason to improve and overcome the ills that sent our ancestors to these shores will be the beginning of our nation’s renewal.
So, has there been enough change? More than enough in the wrong direction. Now we need a change of heart.
Let us commit ourselves to finding the sacred within each of us and projecting it into the world. See the sacred in every rock and tree and animal. See the handiwork of Divinity in the Grand Plan that we are an integral part of. See the sacred in every person you meet, even if you must look beyond violence, filth and ignorance. Sometimes it is buried very deep, but it is there. Let’s get to digging!
Peace Be With You


Saturday, November 6, 2010
The Saucepan Saga
The Tale of the Saucepan

So, I have some lovely new friends, who recently took me to a party at Outback Steakhouse in Hermitage, Tennessee. One of them had a birthday that evening and we had a most enjoyable time. I may have gotten a bit rowdy, not having been out much since moving here from Florida. And yet, I’m done with blushing about my behavior. We were not asked to leave so how bad could it have been? I think I just spent a bit too much time ‘soap-boxing.’
So, where the steakhouse is located, I noticed a Panera Bread café. A few days later, jonesing for bagels, I wended my way back over the dam and found the location (with some guidance over the phone from one of the guys) and bought a several-weeks supply of sesame bagels. Yum. Bagels are few and far between here in Tennessee. Apparently the locals prefer cornbread and grits. To each his own.
So, I got my bagels and, learned that a Publix was nearby. Realizing it would save me a few miles in the other direction,, I chose to stop in there.
So, I got to Publix, and noticed a Ross at the other end of the large plaza. Justifying a side trip by claiming to myself that Munchie could use another food dish, I went in and found nothing suitable for him, but was enchanted by a small blue enamel saucepan that I really did not need. But hey! It was only four bucks! (See side bar picture. It sells on the internet for 6.95 plus shipping.)
So as I checked out, there came an announcement…”will the owner of a dark blue Tahoe with the license plates … come to the customer courtesy counter?” I was already there! Paying for my illicit saucepan. (It really is cute.) So, info was exchanged and I left to survey the damage.
Bottom line, the witnesses got the tag number, the cops caught the perp (pushing 90 years old and performs this none-too clever hit and run) She confesses, and now I’m driving a roller skate while Midnight is having the driver's side replaced courtesy of her insurance company.
The two lessons I learned from this little incident: 1. Do not park anywhere near a handicapped spot because you have no way of knowing what type of handicap a driver might have who pulls in or out next to you. 2. Do not shop where you do not need to in order to buy something you clearly do not need. Although I have used said saucepan a couple of times (mainly to justify its existence here) I do already possess an ample supply of saucepans. I had ENOUGH and now I have TOO MANY, which is how this article is in keeping with the overall point of this blog. Note to self: Learn to leave well ENOUGH alone!
Be well
Disclaimer: I do not mean to imply that all handicapped drivers are irresponsible, only that like anyone else, some may not be on top of their game and therefore we each need to be alert and cognizant of our surroundings when we drive and when we park. I feel sort of sorry for the old lady. She committed a crime and may lose her driving privileges. Does anyone care to comment?


Saturday, October 23, 2010
Enough to Transform
What Is Enough to Transform?

Demanding that you believe as I do is silly. It’s like demanding that you wear my skin. Sorry. It just does not work. One may as well try to demand that one snowflake be identical to every other. Unique is a beautiful quality of infinitude.
Proselytizing and brainwashing, threatening and warring with others over differences of belief in God and culture are the very things that have held mankind and our planet back from whatever nirvana awaits.
When people learn to listen to others without obsession they will be that much closer to being able to really listen to the Creator, who is constantly pouring forth upon all of us messages of love, truth, health, abundance, soul and life itself.
Years of spiritual and metaphysical study, ordination, certification as this or that; an interesting accumulation of tools and books, potions, rituals and formulae, and it all boils down to this: Transformation comes from within. That was the meaning of the quest in Coelho’s masterpiece novel, The Alchemist. And that will always be the ultimate answer. It is in relationship both to Great Spirit and to other beings that we determine who and what we are. The things we learn give us fuel for growth but at the end of the day, it is time to look deeply within, to our Higher Selves to find our answers.
Crises of faith and loss of trust are big stumbling blocks for the seeker, and yet, they are the rudiments of a healing crisis that leads to breakthroughs into that higher plain of consciousness that is the desired place: the Summum Bonum.
We are here to find ourselves, our place in the cosmos and to re-discover our relationship to the Creator. There are many paths to this goal. As many paths as there are seekers.
Some would argue that point. The fundamentalist Christian formula is one that absolves many of the trouble of free thought. So does the Hindu prayer wheel, the Mecca-focused prayers of the twice-daily Islamic faithful, and on and on. Each major religion has within it many subcategories of sects or denominations that claim, of course, to have the One True Answer. For those who truly are inclined that way, so be it. They have found a path that works for them. At least sort of.
Masaru Emoto speaks of the clearing, cleansing effects of love on water.1 Yeshua turned a fish or two and a loaf of bread into enough fish sandwiches to feed the multitudes in His audience.2* In His conversations with Glenda Green, she asked him how he did that. In essence and to paraphrase, He said ‘if you love enough, there are no limits.’3
So transforming our thoughts is the key to transforming our lives which is the key to transforming our society which is the key to healing our world.
Whatever the situation, find a way to apply love to it and then keep loving. And while you are loving, express your true thanks. Your gratitude is sort of like the flip side of the coin to love. Every coin has two sides. If it didn’t it would not be a coin and would not even exist. Together, the front and the back make up an item of worth, of value that has an impact.
Love is both a noun and a verb, we need to recognize this and surround ourselves with its awareness. Be it, feel it and do it.
Gratitude is a welling up in the heart of recognition of, appreciation for and acknowledgement of blessings and opportunities that arrive at our doorstep or fall into our laps, or that come through any multitude of channels. A sunset, a letter, a shiny stone or crystal, a new friend, a call from an old one, a coin on the pavement, an expected healing, and actualized healing, a package, or anything that may brighten your day. It is your sacred responsibility to receive, acknowledge and express thanks for these many gifts and miracles both mighty and miniscule.

Watch for this: upcoming in these blogs, there will soon be a link for an alternative medicine site all about Love and Gratitude.

1.The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto ISBN 97815827011417
2.The Bible, Matthew 14: 14-21
3. Love Without End: Jesus Speaks by Glenda Green p 44.
* I have taken a slight liberty with this and made his miracle into sandwiches to contemporize it. No harm, no foul. I believe He would be amused.


Monday, October 11, 2010
Power Is In Enough
The word 'enough' describes all we need of anything. We do not need more, we should not have less. The amount that is 'enough' is the amount that is perfect.
My wonderful dinner at the Outback a few nights ago was perfect. I allowed myself to know when to stop. I had enough and was not uncomfortably stuffed afterward. In fact, I felt quite grand. I brought home enough ribeye, garlic mashed potatoes and spinach artichoke dip for another full meal, plus enough meat to make a sandwich for lunch.
Once, I did not know what was enough. My years on the farm in Iowa, working with Dad, lots of fresh air and hard labor encouraged a very hearty appetite. the cafeteria at Drake had four lines. One on each side of the building. My roomie and I often hit up two or more lines for any given meal. Not that any of us were overweight, but looking back, I see a tendency toward gluttony developing. We did not know what enough was all about, and so we wanted more.
Over the years, restaurants began the insidious practice of 'supersizing' everything.
The more we are served, the more we eat. In Europe, I am told, portions are quite small, particularly in France. French restaurants here in the U.S., at least in my experience, also serve small portions. I do not believe I would starve to death if I ate portions of that diminuitive size.
There is a lot more to the concept of 'enough' than merely how it relates to food.
Knowing when to stop anything is to exert power over it.
Excess can often lead to destructive behaviors. Hoarding is an example, and can lead to serious consequences. Obsessions, overspending and debt are symptoms of the inability to discern 'enough.'
The lessons taught in school were not enough when it comes to personal finance and making a life for oneself out in the real world after graduation. Being released into society without any knowledge of personal finance is a bit like releasing a goldfish into the ocean. First of all, goldfish don't get on well in salt water. Secondly, they are not equipped to deal with the inumerable predators they will encounter, Thirdly, they do not know how to obtain food without that little shaker sprinkling into their home each day. Instead of finding Nemo, we all have to founder about, trying to find ourselves, our livelihood, and our path in life.
Enough does not imply poverty, abstinence or lack. Instead, it describes the boundaries wherein lies our comfort, our peace, our most beneficial activity and relationships. Within 'enough' lies our wholeness, our wellness, and joy. This is power.
Be well,

Coming Developments

As we develop this blog site, it should become easier to respond and comment. There is a lot to doing this and even more, for someone who is not technically oriented.
Soon, we hope to be adding a few appropriate and interesting ads that will hopefully interest this readership and thus support the continuation of this blog.
Clicking on an ad does not commit anyone to anything, it simply provides one with more in-depth information and opportunity to shop, to dream, to research and to wander about in virtual space.
It is our hope that the ads will be related to nature, natural living, natural health and wellness, animal welfare, small business, publishing, music, education, magick, movies, books, and other assorted gentle pursuits.
I am learning as I go along here, and have found that whatever ads eventually appear here, I will not be allowed to click on myself due to some perceived conflict of interest, so I will not necessarily be able to judge the appropriateness of any particular ad. I will rely on you, my readers, to keep me informed.
Be well.